How to Get Rid of Fire Ants

How to Get Rid of Fire Ants

There is a huge population of fire ants in America, and they’re among the most invasive pests in residential properties. These unwanted guests’ bites can cause severe and painful reactions. They also wreak havoc on wirings and lawnmowers. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to get rid of fire ants. While there are those that you can do yourself, we still recommend you search for a “fire ants removal near me” company for expert solutions. After all, your health and property’s safety is at stake. First, let us give you a quick overview of these unwanted pests you are dealing with:

What Are Fire Ants?

Fire ants are aggressive species of ants stowed away from cargo sheep from the Southern US. They range from red, reddish-black, and reddish-brown ants and come in swarms to find food and defend the queen. They are most noticeable after heavy rain or where there is a huge amount of water in a certain area. These pets love to hitchhike, so you shouldn’t be surprised when you find colonies inside your home.

How to Get Rid of Fire Ants

There are different ways to get rid of fire ants. The most common is pouring hot water over the fire ant mound. This is an effective treatment and can kill fire ants up to 60%, especially when done early in the morning. However, not all home remedies for fire ants are enough to battle them. You will also need the help of a professional team to solve the issue without harming the environment completely.

·         Fire ants in the garden.

Fire ants in the garden are the ones stinging you when you pull out weeds. It’s easy to get rid of them by shoveling the mound or pouring hot water. Some insecticides are registered safe for your vegetables and plants that you can use to fight fire ants. Additionally, you can schedule a fire ant removal near me and get rid of these pests through fumigation done by a professional team.

·         Fire ants by the water.

Fire ants thrive in wet places, and they need water to survive. If you have fire ants near water sources like rivers and streams, it is important not to pollute the water when treating them. Instead, you can apply bait away from the water and apply the treatment there. There are also products with low toxicity to fish and other marine and fresh-water species that you can use to treat fire ants. For more updates, visit:

·         Fire ants indoors.

Fire ant colonies can find their way to your home and wreak havoc to your electrical components, foods, and feasting on your body. You can use available pesticides but for the best result, call a fire ants removal company for professional solutions.

If you are dealing with fire ants and need dependable “fire ant removal near me” experts, you can count on Freedom Pests Services. Schedule your appointment with our team today!

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