There’s no better way to open this article but with the words of a certified as a sleep science coach. He says, “Weighted blankets have been quite the phenomenon since 2019. People are beginning to understand the benefits of using a weighted blanket to set themselves up to get the recommended seven to nine hours of quality sleep on a nightly basis.”

A renowned weighted blanket expert also seems to share a similar opinion. In her opinion, weighted blankets have gained such popularity because the blanket helps you to naturally relax more under its weight and fall asleep more easily and quickly than you will normally do. This makes you get fond of the blanket and depend on it for natural and restful sleep.

Beyond the words of these experts, statistics also have a point to throw in. A recent study by Science Sleep Medicine was carried out on people with sleeping issues. The study showed that all who slept with an organic weighted blanket had a more restful night’s sleep. They also had less tossing and turning compared to those who did not use the weighted blanket. The study thus revealed that the blanket gave a more quality, secure and comfortable bed rest.

  How heavy should my blanket be?

Having gone through the benefits of an organic weighted blanket, the next instinctive step is to get one for yourself. Well, not so soon. Compare your blankets to clothing.  Just as items of clothing look nice and fit and may turn out to be the wrong size on a customer, so is an organic weighted blanket. Before you shop for your weighted blanket, you should look out for some important factors such as size, fabric, filling, weight, and weight distribution.

Weight is one of the key factors when you are looking to buy weighted blankets.   Organic weighted blankets are designed to come in different weight measurements to fit the capacity of different persons. This implies that a blanket that seems heavy for one may seem light for another. It is usually advisable to go for a weighted blanket that weighs 10% of your weight. However, the situation may be different in the cases of children, persons with sleep apnea, and respiratory issues. These categories of people are usually advised to see the doctor. If 10% of your weight falls in-between two weight sizes, you can go for the one which is heavier if you have stamina. If not, go for the lighter one. For more updates, visit:

 Other important factors

Determining a suitable size is quite straightforward. Get an organic weighted blanket that is designed with the size of your bed. For fabrics, glass, plastic, or steel beads work perfectly. It would be best if you also made sure that the seams are tight, so the beads don’t fall out. The weight of the blanket must also be evenly distributed. Other things to look out for are fabric, price, and warranty policies.

Just in case you have been wondering how to choose an organic weighted blanket, well, there you have it. Cheers to quality sleep!

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